Conquering the Unknowns
The Challenges of Being a Young Adult
A blog about discovering, growing, prospering, and conquering
young adulthood.
My hope for this site is to bring light to topics no one really prepares you for as a young adult. Provide advice, relatable, support, and a space for young adults. Even if it is just a few people. Young Adult hood is the years of finding your identity and exploring intimacy with yourself. Especially in 2020. I want to share not only what I have experienced, but hopefully also share others experiences as well. These are short parts of me and them. What has shaped me today, and how i've dealt with them as a young adult.
2020 gave me the ability to reflect, learn, and deal with rooted emotions the earth never let me just sit and deal with. Since it felt like the world stopped turning for a bit I was able to finally be forced to sit and deal with those emotions. Not only that, but sit and really try to discover who I wanna be, my self worth, and what want to stand for.
I hope you join along with me to "Conquer the Unknowns" of young adult hood one day at a time.
New content will be posted on Sundays as they come (:
You're Enough, You're loved, You woke up today for a reason.
-Maya Elizabeth